28 August 2013

Coming from a galaxy far, far, away...

Welcome to Project: Toth, a blog all about the tabletop wargame, infiNity.

Project: Toth will be a collaboration between two long time tabletop wargamers, myself (Mike), and my gaming nemesis, James. We're both completely new to infiNity having played wargames on and off for many years between us. You could call us 'noobs'. I hate that word, but it's fairly suitable in this context.

I've never significantly strayed from the reaches of a certain Nottingham based model company, with Warhammer 40k providing me with countless hours of hobby and game time - so infiNity is a big dive into the unknown and away from the comfortable and secure reaches of the 41st millennium of grimdark and high gothic-ness. James on the other hand has dabbled in many other areas, is a huge fan (like myself) of all things 40k, but also enjoys a slice of fantasy-themed battles once in a while too.

This blog will chart our journey into a completely new realm of skirmish gaming. We'll cover painting, rules, games, terrain, background fluff, artwork, news, reviews... all from the perspective of a pair of brand new infiNity players.

To infiNity, and beyo... sorry. I couldn't resist.

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