18 October 2013

Isobel McGregor: I choose you!

Corvus Belli has released a sneak peak of the new Dire Foes model for Ariadnan spec ops badass, Isobel McGregor via the Beasts of War YouTube channel. And it's a little belter in my opinion.

The only thing that (at the moment) stops this being a 10/10 model for me, is that the leg pose is rather similar to the Covert Ops Uxia model... but we're still talking a solid 9.5/10. The question is what will this proxy for in a regular list minus Dire Foes? Answers on a postcard.


  1. Being Scotish, she needs more Volunteer mini-skirt :P

    Just a paint critique, but I feel the tartan applied to regular pants looks a little weird to me, though as always, Angel figured out a way to make it work fantastically.

    I love the amount of detail with all the equipment she's got all over her.
    Alone, she's definitely a buy for my Ariadnans... can't wait to see the rest of her box set.

  2. Yeah I'm looking forward to seeing her profile and equipment, especially the defensive hacking device.

    Her pants remind me of punk rock bondage trousers which is pretty cool!
