29 October 2013

Three More. Possibly My Last Three Ariadnans... For A While.

As my second faction awaits dispatch from it's supplier, I've managed to complete my personal goal of 300pts of Ariadna units.

On to the newly painted models.

We have a Chainrifle-toting Irmandinho engineer, Uxia "Cherry" McNeill, and a female Line Kazak. And a whole lot of vegetation.

Let's start with GI Joe there, in the wetsuit.

I didn't really get the brightly coloured get-up that the studio Irmandinhos wear. It seems rather impractical for a warzone, so I painted him to look more like a modern day frogman with the dark wetsuit and green gear. The Chainrifle is friggin' massive on this model, so I decided to camo it in a vain attempt to give him SOME chance of evading enemy sentries on his way out of a space-river somewhere on Paradiso. A discarded HMG on the base nicely alludes to his Booty skill...

Next up is Uxia, a name I only belatedly learnt wasn't pronounced "Uck-see-ha" but "Oosh-ee-aa". Every day's a school day.

 As with the frogman, a bright blue jumpsuit didn't really fit the rest of the army and seemed somewhat dangerous for a covert operative. So I went for an SAS-black outfit - it's the future though so she's allowed to expose her hips and fluorescent orange hair and still remain concealed. Duh.

Her guns are meant to match the COD:MW style rifle of my first Infinity model, the Mormaer. But they came out looking more golden than sand coloured unfortunately. Like a pair of Prestige level golden handguns in the same video game. 

And finally, my laydee Line Kazak. Probably one of those models the prudes on the official forum get bent out of shape about cos she's all sexy and what not. I tried my best to offset that by painting the face really badly. So now she's a sexy laydee soldier with a skin condition.

To further compound the sexiness, I gave her a tiny red vest peeking out under the body armour, and blonde hair. Will you just look at the sexual objectification going on there!

I do have three more units I need to paint, based on their regular use: a Foxtrot FO, my trusty Chasseur minelayer, and the Assault Pack models. Beyond that there's a couple of things I'd like to get done too... but they're not essentials and will have to remain basecoated-wonders for the foreseeable future as I have a load of new faction toys coming very soon. In the limbo time between then and now, my last gift to Ariadna will be a grumpy TAG mercenary and his little sister - coming soon!

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