18 November 2013

James' Jurisdictional Command Of Corregidor Army - Now on eBay

James hasn't posted this for some reason so I thought I would. He is selling his awesome  Jurisdictional Command Of Corregidor army on eBay, mere weeks after completing their painting. The madman.

He's offering world wide/international postage so have a look at his eBay auction by going here, and snap up a beautifully painted, 300pt Nomad army. Contact him or ask questions here or via eBay and he'll be sure to answer! He's also selling a huge amount of unpainted Nomad models on MAS bases too, loads more Corregidor and Bakunin too.

More images below.


  1. I don't recognize that first figure, the one crouched with the sword behind and outstretched hand. Didn't see it on the Infinity site either, where is it from?

    1. It's Senor Massacre (aka Deadpool). He's a mercenary unit that fits into Corregidor's sectorial army list.
