23 February 2014

Photo From The Front

A quick snap from one of today's practice ITS matches.

Bad Luck TAG was having a very bad day.
This poor little fella managed a kill before completely locking down the objective with a suppression fire lane, making it virtually impossible to approach the objective without getting filled with lead.

I say 'virtually'. One lovely thing that Steel Phalanx poet and part-time hacker Thamyris carries is a Marker weapon - a two shot deployable repeater, effectively. I managed to land a speculative shot with the Marker over a low building, approximately an inch away from it. Hacked and immobilized it. It reset itself next turn, shot and blew up the repeater but not before I ARO hacked it again and shut it down, again! Phoenix waltzed into view, and then physically immobilized it by taking off three structure points and killing the engineer on it's braces. I then re-hacked again and possessed it just for good measure. I think the only bit we did wrong there, was the second hacking attempt after the first successfully immobilization... but at this point it was for the lolz and wasting orders so didn't really matter!

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