21 February 2014

Steel Phalanx Painting Challenge: Day One

I've set myself the insane challenge of painting a full army of the Steel Phalanx to compete in a small tournament in Sheffield, on March the 8th. That gives me exactly 14 days (possibly 13...) to complete all of the models required for my two lists. At this moment, I have absolutely no complete models for this army so it's going to be a bit crazy to try and meet the deadline... but I'll certainly try.

Today's progress? Not great. Sorted out a few basing issues, and some minor reassebly which took an annoying amount of my time up. Then a simple light grey airbrushed primer coat to cover over most of them having the original grey scheme and the bare metal new comers.

There are seventeen 25mm based models plus Ajax and Penthesilea, and the unbased Zayin Rebot (still waiting for bases to arrive!) is still bare metal. Out of that lot, I'm using probably between twelve and fourteen models but I still haven't settled on a list yet!

My plan is to do all the airbrush work on all the models initially, then finish off the tournament models by hand/brush. This at least means I can go back to the rest later without having a different colour scheme on them.

Next: basecoat and shading.

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