The models are anything BUT Dire! See what I did there?!
First off is the Ariadna/Yu Jing/Sexy Tech Laydee box, which I think has my favorite spec ops and civilian model in it.
As I've mentioned in a previous post, the Isobel model is really, REALLY good. It does have the Uxia McNeill crouch going on, but the amount of detail on there is going to be so much fun to paint. The defensive hacking console on the base is a nice extra that for me sets this one apart from the others.
Yuriko is another great model, a solidly lovely model rather than stand-out-awesome like Isobel. But the pose, the armour/backpack, and particularly the hair and face are really well done. The civie techie model is really nice too, much nicer than I expected for essentially a glorified objective marker. I think CB got the pose and detailing on her spot on - I'm kind of relieved they didn't make a Tech-Bee style pin-up for this one too as it's nice to see what their vision of the civilian world of Infinity looks like without it being all boobs and suspenders.
This box is a guaranteed purchase for me, the Yu Jing model probably getting sold on to one of a couple of local players though.
Next up, the Nomad/ALEPH box.
This one is a close second behind the Ariadna/Yu Jing box based on the overall awesomeness of the models. As I've just started a Steel Phalanx force, the Tha... Tray..Trays... Thrasymedes model is one I want to get a hold of for my self anyway. I don't think the other Chandra spec ops model is as bad as some people make out, but this one is way nicer and I love how it fits so well with the Steel Phalanx theme of character models rather than generic troopers. It's got a great, dynamic pose; and the weapons and general detailing are all top notch in my opinion.
Lupe for the Nomads doesn't really match the concept art too closely, but regardless I think it's a fantastic model and light years ahead of the uncharacteristically (for CB) dull Vortex spec ops model Nomad players already have access to. The pose is really nice too, with huge sword drawn in an almost taunting pose, and of course the Game of Thrones dragon perched on her shoulder. One thing I really like about this model that is easily ignored is her hair from behind - some really nice attention to detail to make her look like Daenerys give a really different look for Nomad players.
The civilian model is another excellent model, a bit more bus driver than Marine Engineering Officer if you ask me... but otherwise I love the slightly improbable pose and the little things like the way the hair is sculpted from under the hat.
Another guaranteed purchase for me, although James might want to split the contents for Lupe I'm not sure I want to let him have her...
The third Dire Foe trio is for me the worst one by a big margin, the Pano/Combined box.
First off, the Combined Treitak model is a massive improvement over the Teddy Bear pose of the existing spec ops model. I like how they managed to make a monkey-faced alien sexy with big boobs (who'd have known?). The pose is pretty ridiculous though in as much as she seems to think she's on the catwalk rather than the battlefield with that MASSIVE hairdo blowing in the wind behind her. But the detailing and overall dumbness of the model means it carries it all off and is by far the best model in the box.
For me, Bipandra is the worst Dire Foe of the current releases. A very uninteresting pose and quite a plain, unexceptional looking sculpt all-round. I like the huge ponytail. But that's about it. Blowing a kiss (I assume that's what she's doing?) and sort of just... standing there with a little pistol? This is the only Dire Foe that is is worse than the existing Spec Op model. It would have been great to see something different to complement the already excellent Pano Indigo chap, but this has the same wide legged stance without actually looking as great.
Which leads me onto Angus... oh Angus, poor Angus. The Frank Spencer of Infinity armies deserved a much more interesting model than this. Simply giving him a huge shit-eating smile would have been enough to save this from being one of the great Infinity 'Could-Have-Beens'. Worst civie by a mile. Worst Dire Foes model full stop.
This box is one for James, but I suspect he might not even be that interested considering how duff two out of three models are, which is a shame as their bespoke mission sounded like one of the better scenarios.
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