01 January 2014

A Happy New Year... And Resolutions!

Well 2014 has begun, 2013 was one hell of year for me being as it was my first year back into tabletop wargames. I spent the first two thirds of the year up to my nuts in Warhammer 40k, and the final third up to my nuts in Infinity. In fact those final four months of 2013 have probably set the marker down for how my wargaming future will pan out - less GW, more of what else is out there!

Infinity is my main gaming system now, having replaced 40K with some ease. I've played Infinity almost non-stop since August with just a couple of games of 40k in between. I've tried and failed to muster the interest in collecting a new 40K army in that time, and instead have put my finances into more Infinity and more recently Dropzone Commander and Hordes too (new to me).

Setting wargaming themed New Years Resolutions seems to be the thing to do if you run a blog these days, so here are mine for 2014:

1. Own a 400pt, fully painted Ariadnan army - already most of the way there, but for ITS I need some additional models finished (I've plenty to choose from).
2. Own a 400pt fully painted Steel Phalanx - as above. I've already got the models (Gawd bless 80pt Achilles) just need to pull my finger out and get them finished. Then add Myrmidons.
3. Expand the Ariadnan army to a fully painted Ariadnan sectorial - this one will take some work as I have a very even mix of Kazak, French, and Scotch units. I'm excited to see how the Kazak sectorial will look so this could be the one I eventually choose.
4. Paint my goddamn terrain - I must have £200 worth of MAS and Bandua terrain and none of it has gone beyond a grey primer yet. Disgraceful.
5. Play in tournaments - the UK doesn't have the biggest tournament scene so this one will be tricky to fit in...
6. Create missions - I love a bit of creative writing and so I want to try and concoct some narrative-based standalone missions. Even better would be to string a couple together for an easy afternoons gaming a la the old Space Hulk mission booklets.

Assault Pack out of shot an' in yo' face.

So there you are. Plenty to be getting on with already and this is just for Infinity!

Non-Infinity related stuff revolve around Dropzone and Hordes, or anything else that takes my fancy this year. I can't rule out getting back into 40K at some point, but right now it's not on the radar at all.

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