01 January 2014

New Year, New Models!

The 30th of December saw the release of the photos for the next set of releases from Corvus Belli, and in my opinion a pretty sensational set of models they are too.

Aside from the fairly "meh" repackaging of the Celestial Guard, it represents ten other models that in my opinion cement CB at the top of wargame models podium.

Let's start with my vested interest, Uxia.

My Covert Ops Uxia model is one of my favourites and I've fielded her in almost every single game I have played with Ariadna. This new version, for me, is an even better sculpt and perfectly captures the picture of her from the Ariadna chapter cover page in the main rule book. A guaranteed purchase.

Next up is Stephen Rao.

This is a model that makes me want to collect a Shock Army. The posture, the armour and gear, proportions of the limbs... perfect. And that face is just beautiful. I'd say this is up there with the best Pano models in the range.

Quick mention of the Celestial Guard.

They're great models etc, but they've just never really being that attractive. I do hate the colour orange though so that doesn't help matters... I'm sure Yu Jing players will appreciate this combined boxset.

I'd already mentioned the Gorgos Squad in a previous post, but this image really shows off how good that pose really is. The left-most image looks fairly dull but when you see the middle and right hand model it all makes sense as to why it has been stood so tall compared to other TAG models. Just a shame no one in my gaming group uses Tohaa yet as I'd love to see this on a tabletop in person.

And finally, for me the most jaw dropping element of this release batch: The Morat Aggression Force starter box.

Up until now I'd barely even glanced at the Combined Army model gallery on the CB website - partly down to some silly looking models, partly as I'd never really considered even using them being as they are the evil aliens of the Infinity universe. The Raicho and Kurgat were models I really liked though. This box changes it all. The red-faced-monkey faces have become more skull like and proportionally smaller to the Vanguard and Raktorak models, giving a much more aggressive (har har) look to the models that I really like. The sheer brawn that the proportions of the arms and legs suggest is just perfect for their fluff. The Sogarat is a sensational sculpt - like a Nazi space gorilla from a Gears of War kids show. The Oznat if I'm honest doesn't do much for me, it's a great model but in my opinion simply suffers from the company it keeps in what is otherwise a triple-A box of models.

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