29 April 2014

Another Blog Post About 3rd Edition Infinity

I'm a bit late to the party here I suppose, since news of this broke on Sunday.

Nothing firm has been released from Corvus Belli in terms of what 3rd Edition will actually contain or likely changes to expect when it's released later this year. However if you follow the pattern of releases from Corvus Belli for Infinity - books and models - it's clear their game is on a very rapid upward trajectory in terms of how the presentation and feel of their products is improving. For example compare the slightly amateurish artwork and presentation of the current 2nd Edition book with their two more recent releases, the Campaign Paradiso book and Artbook One.

What would I like to see 3rd Edition accomplish?
  • Better translation of the rules to clear up one or two 'interesting' issues with phrasing (currently lush pastures for rule bending rules lawyers).
  • Greater standardization and clarification, continuing what the base size changes have started.
  • Clear guidance on terrain arrangement to bring some partial closure to the persistent argument over what constitutes too little/too much terrain.
  • General rebalance of some slightly wonky points costs of older units that feel pretty much redundant in the wake of some of the sectorial developments since 2nd.
  • Slight nerf of certain abilities that even with the best will in the world in certain situations can feel slightly broken (thankfully not that many in this wonderful game!) - Sixth Sense Level 2 I'm looking at you!
Nothing too shocking in that list I think?


  1. Better translation and clarification as well as reduction of rules bloat seems to be the concensus. I'm for whatever makes the game easier to understand for new players looking to start up.

    I mean, you know somethings wrong when that's pretty much every comment made about Infinity and 3rd edition on general gaming sites - as one said, complexity is not an excuse for lack of approachability.

    I'm guessing any tweaks to the rules and army lists will be mostly geared towards better accommodating their ITS mission system.

    1. I think as ITS becomes for many players the only way to play Infinity, and the way now most new players are being introduced to the game; they need to make the rules utterly watertight.
